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Central Heating Leak Detection: Step-by-Step Guide

Central Heating Leak Detection UK

Central heating leak detection is one of the most common types of leak detection carried out in the UK and is especially in demand during the winter months when people are using their central heating systems more, including turning it on after the summer period of no or little use.

The topic of central heating leak detection covers a number of types of leaks as well as a variety of methods for carrying out central heating leak detection, so in this guide we will cover these step by step to understand how timely assistance can help resolve this.

As with all types of leak detection, early central heating leak detection is best carried out as soon as you believe there is a problem. This is because:

  1. It can help you get your central heating running to warm your house
  2. It can help prevent or reduce water damage to your property
  3. Can help to reduce repair costs as a result of this
  4. It can help prevent boiler pressure loss problems
  5. It may help to prevent wasting energy unnecessarily

Central Heating Leak Detection Service
Central Heating Leak Detection Service

What is Central Heating Leak Detection?

Central heating leak detection is the process of locating a water leak on your central heating network which may include radiators, under floor heating leaks or boiler pressure leaks. Commonly it is caused by damage or wear and tear to the pipe work on your central heating system.

All the certain elements of your central heating pipe work may be more susceptible to problems with leaks (e.g. joints, radiators etc), it is possible that a water leak can occur on any part of your central heating network, making location of these leaks more tricky.

Locating central heating leaks can be challenging in nature for a number of reasons but not least because central heating pipe work is commonly hidden in walls floors and ceilings. This means that any central heating leak is unlikely to be immediately visible. This is where a central heating leak detection specialist experts such as ourselves can assist greatly.

Locating Central Heating Leaks
Locating Central Heating Leaks – Leak Detection

Common Signs of Central Heating Water Leaks

Following on from the previous section, you may not directly see central heating leaks in your property, however, there are a number of tell-tale signs that can help you identify a leak.

These include the following (and you may see more than one of them!):

  1. Your central heating boiler leaking and losing pressure
  2. You may even have your boiler pressure dropping every day
  3. You have to top up your boiler pressure regularly
  4. This can also include boiler error messages such as F1 boiler errors
  5. Damp and/or mould patches on your floors and ceilings
  6. Especially in places where you know pipes may run
  7. Including if it is accompanied by an unusual smell

Methods of Central Heating Leak Detection
Methods of Central Heating Leak Detection

Best Methods for Central Heating Leak Detection

There are a number of methods for doing leak detection in general but amongst these, there are specific ones which really invaluable when carrying out central heating leak detection.

It is important to point out here, as we have said in other guides, that there is no one magic solution to central heating leak detection. In order to maximise the chances of locating a central heating leak, a number of methods are adopted to help maximise the chances of locating a leak quickly and effectively. These are utilised in conjunction with each other the collect critical evidence.

The other thing to mention is about these devices reach their full potential in the hands in the hands of an experienced leak detection engineer. Not only will they understand the detailed functionality of leak detection cameras, but also have an eye for spotting detailed anomalies that are often associated with central heating leaks.

As a useful addition to this guide, in each section we will provide a link to some of the manufacturers that produce leak detection devices used in central heating leak detection, for example purposes only.

Central Heating Leak Detection Thermal Imaging
Central Heating Leak Detection – Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging Central Heating Leak Detection

Thermal imaging like texture and cameras come in a variety of specifications, but as you might expect with something involving hot water pipes in central heating systems, identifying leaks of this water can be greatly aided by thermal imaging central heating leak detection.

Professional thermal imaging cameras such as the ones we use are highly calibrated, sensitive and effective methods of locating where warm or hot water from central heating systems may be leaking out. When carrying out this type of work, our leak detection experts of a trained and experienced eye in spotting such signs on walls floors and ceilings.

Thermal imaging detection cameras can also help to trace the path of hidden water pipes as in many instances, such as with under floor heating leaks, you can visually see the pathway of the hot pipes underground, and alongside that, things such as ‘blooms’ of warm patches where water may be leaking out in the immediate vicinity when doing underground water leak detection.

Manufactures of Thermal Imaging Leak Detection cameras include:

Acoustic Central Heating Leak Detection
Acoustic Central Heating Leak Detection Service

Acoustic Central Heating Leak Detection

Next on our examples of equipment views for effective central heating leak detection is acoustic leak detection. This method uses highly sensitive, professional leak detecting microphones that can hear the subtle towns that leaking water can make.

The sound of a water leak will depend on the type of leak and size of leak it is detecting. As you might expect, water gushing or spraying out will sound very different to a trickle or a dripping leak. Additionally, it is likely that a small central heating leak, will be very quiet indeed.

Very much like thermal imaging leak detection acoustic leak detection on central heating systems decided by the skills, experience and training of our highly trained staff. Because They are familiar with different varieties of central heating leaks, they can often help to understand the type of leak based on the sounds that they make, something a DIY layman might not spot

To follow on from our earlier point about how different methods off central heating leak detection can work together, let’s give an example – say our leak detection engineers bought a thermal anomaly whilst doing thermal imaging leak detection they may want to investigate that area further, and a common method to do that would be acoustic leak detection in the same spot.

If there is a thermal imaging sign and an acoustic sign of a leak, that greatly increases the chances of pinpointing exactly where it is.

Manufactures of Acoustic Leak Detection equipment include:

Tracer Gas Central Heating Leak Detection
Tracer Gas Central Heating Leak Detection Service

Tracer Gas Detection for Central Heating

Next on our list of methods used for carrying out central heating leak detection is tracer gas leak detection. Although tracer gas is not always used on leak detection surveys, in some instances it can be a highly effective method to locate leaks in central heating pipes.

Tracer gas central heating leak detection can be especially effective in locating very small leaks on central heating systems, this might be combined with a situation where your boiler is losing pressure over a number of days rather than your boiler pressure dropping every day.

As covered in the previous section on acoustic leak detection, very small water leaks can be harder to locate, especially if they are not easily picked up with some of the other methods mentioned, this is where tracer gas leak detection can be highly effective.

In a nutshell, a specific type of gas is injected into the central heating system in place of the water in there and a tracer gas sniffer is used around the property to pick up the ‘smell’ of this tracer gas. Like several of the other methods on this list, tracer gas detectors up gauges and scales to measure the concentration or amount of the sign they’re looking for (the gas itself).

Manufactures of Tracer Gas Leak Detectors include:

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Central Heating Pipe Detectors

Unlike some of the other examples on this list, central heating pipe detectors do not directly look for the signs of a water leak. However, they can be an invaluable method in carrying out central heating leak detection.

Professional pipe detectors, often know as ‘Cat and Gennys’, commonly work on the method of transmitting a specific signal along the line of central heating pipework. This is then coupled with a detector which is set up to pick up that signal (coupled with an audible beeping sound often) to help trace the pathways of pipes.

This can be especially beneficial in locating pipes underground, which can include indoor underground water leaks or outdoor underground water leaks.

Manufactures of Water Pipe Locators include:

Moisture Meter for Central Heating Leak Detection

Moisture Meters for Central Heating Leak Detection

Next on our list of devices used for central heating leak detection is moisture meters, or damp meters as they are sometimes known as. Moisture meters come in a variety of designs and specifications, from a number of manufacturers, with many designed for specific applications.

For example, you can have a pinned moisture meter for testing moisture in wood. Plus, you may have a specialist pinless moisture meter for testing moisture in concrete. There are also monster meters which are versatile for a number of applications.

A bit like our example earlier with thermal imaging cameras being used for central heating leak detection, moisture meters can pick up things that the human eye cannot always see, in this example moisture or damp which can come from a central heating leak. Not only can this be surface moisture but also moisture deeper within the materials.

As you might expect professional central heating leak detection is carried out using professional moisture meters, which are highly calibrated and sensitive pieces of equipment in comparison to the mass market, cheap DIY moisture meters.

Manufactures of Moisture Meters include:

Other Methods of Central Heating Leak Detection
Other Methods of Central Heating Leak Detection

Other Methods of Central Heating Leak Detection

We’ve covered the best methods central heating leak detection in detail above, however, there are a few other methods which are sometimes utilised, both directly or indirectly, to locate water leaks in homes or businesses:

  • Pressure testing, especially in ‘sealed’ or ‘closed’ systems
  • Endoscope or borescope inspection cameras
  • Ultrasonic leak detection equipment
  • Boiler pressure checks (by a certified boiler engineer)
  • Water leak correlator equipment
  • Water leak alarm systems
  • Plus, visual inspections in a variety of ways

DIY vs Professional Central Heating Leak Detection

A question that sometimes arises is – ‘can I do central heating leak detection myself?’. There are many aspects to consider when answering this but, generally, central heat detection is better carried out by a professional leak detection expert.

The advantages of using a professional leak detection service in the UK include:

  • Training and experience of the leak detection engineers
  • With that, knowledge of a variety of leaks and infrastructure
  • Access to professional leak detection equipment
  • Improved accuracy of this professional equipment
  • This will include non-invasive leak detection methods
  • As covered earlier, knowledge of how to use them best
  • Systems and processes to back this up for efficiency and effectiveness
  • Finding a leak quickly and effectively can help reduce water damage

This brings us on to the next section as, if you have the right cover (often referred to as ‘Trace and Access’) on your home insurance policy, it could be paid for by your insurance company.

Central Heating Leak Detection Home Insurance
Central Heating Leak Detection – Home Insurance

Insurance Coverage for Central Heating Leak Detection

As just mentioned, central heating leak detection to locate a water leak on your central heating network may be paid for by your insurance company in the UK, under trace and access cover or other parts of your home insurance policy.

This can cover the cost of:

  • locating the central heating leak
  • accessing it to ‘expose’ the leak
  • repair of the leak and;
  • water damage restoration services

Check with your insurance company or broker and your policy with them for exact details of your coverage. Remember, we work with many of the UK’s leading insurance companies and loss adjusters to feel free to contact us for help and advice on central heating leak detection.

Central Heating Leak Detection – Conclusion

We hope you found our comprehensive and detailed article on the various types of central heating water leak and the various methods of central heating leak detection, each of which is different but can also compliment each other for improved targeting of leaks at a pinpoint level.

As we said, this is a skilled task, best carried out by a professional with both experience and access to specialist leak detection equipment. It is a greatly beneficial service in the UK and can help prevent further water damage to your home or business with commercial leak detection.

Here are some other similar related to central heating leak detection:

We also have a variety of and informative guides and articles in our water leak blog which has some handy free hints and tips to help you, this explained by experts but in simple layman’s terms, with useful diagrams, photos and charts to help understand water leaks more. logo logo

Central Heating Leak Detection – FAQs:

How do I find a leak on my heating system?

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Finding a leak on your central heating system can be a complex task, often best carried out by a leak detection service professional with access to specialist leak detection equipment. Their skills and experience, coupled with access to leak detectors can greatly increase the chances of locating a leak. This task is made more complicated by the fact that central heating leaks are often in hidden locations, such as under floors.

Is a central heating leak covered by insurance?

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There are a number of elements to dealing with central heating leaks and in turn, whether that is covered by your home insurance policy. Firstly, there is finding leaks (often referred to as ‘trace and access’), repairing leaks and finally and water damage repairs and restoration. To see if you are covered for each of these, consider speaking to your home insurance provider and / or refer to your policy documents.

How much does central heating leak detection cost?

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Central heating leak detection costs will vary according to a number of factors, but especially the size of the property and scale of the central heating system in place. As you might expect finding a leak in a small domestic property will likely be cheaper than a large commercial site leak. That said, in the UK, ‘standard’ UK home leak detection will commonly be in the region of several hundred pounds in the first instance.